I've finally updated my weight loss and funds raised figures. It's great to see that I'm almost halfway to my target!! Who knows, I might not go quite so far as 11 stone, as that is based on what I weigh at the LL sessions, not on what I weigh on my scales...
The week before last, I lost 3 lbs; this past week I lost 2.5 lbs. That's 5 st 3 lbs now. :-D
What I haven't written about is the shopping trip I made the week before last. I had some vouchers to spend in the Arcadia group of shops - Wallis, Dorothy Perkins, Top Shop, Evans. The vouchers were earned doing consumer research and I chose Arcadia because I'm so used to shopping in Evans. Before the trip, I measured myself and realised I was now somewhere in the region of size 20-22 on the top, and size 24-26 on the bottom. I was amazed to discover that Wallis and Dorothy Perkins both cater for larger sizes. I had no idea so many shops now do bigger sizes. I even found out that Matalan and Marks & Spencer (two ends of the spectrum!) do too!
As a result I shopped in Outfit in Inverness, which has sections of Wallis, DP and Top Shop in it, and in Evans. And I was thrilled to bits to discover that I can actually get into size 18s!!! All the tops I bought that day (I didn't manage to get any trousers) were size 18s. Evans size 18 is more generous than Wallis, to be sure, but I still got two lovely cardis from the latter. There was a 20% sale on all goods that day, so my money went a little further! Gosh I was chuffed. It took me
hours, though, to decide!!
Even better was being able to get into a couple of lovely size 18 tops in Next! Only to discover that my vouchers didn't cover Next...!! Oops!
On the down side, I've been finding it very difficult to resist cravings for real food and have succumbed a couple of times recently. I have still lost weight though and, in some ways, that doesn't help. If I
didn't lose weight when I lapse then it might drive it home a bit better that it's not a good choice to be making. It definitely makes it harder to stick to the food packs whenever I eat. And I'm aware the cravings can be aggravated most of all by tiredness, or when I feel fed up. I have to say that I think
now is the time I'm going to be learning most about my food addiction, as I try to resist the desire to eat...