My order consists of shakes - Banana, Butterscotch, Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Fruits of the Forest, Strawberry, Toffee and Walnut, Vanilla, Chocolate Orange and Cappuccino; soups - Broccoli and Cheese, Chicken and Mushroom, Oriental Chilli, Spicy Tomato, Vegetable, Mushroom and Leek and Potato; bars - Caramel, Toffee, Chocolate, Chocolate Orange, Cranberry and Peanut. At least one of every flavour, to give them all a try. I'm assured that they taste better than LL but the proof of the pudding, and all that!
I've also ordered tubs of Mix a Mousse, Summer Berry Drink Flavouring and something called Fibre 89, which I think is self-explanatory!
Tonight has been my last night of "normal" eating and, in the interests of honesty and faithful recording of the travails of losing weight(!), I will publicly confess to having a Last Supper. A fish supper in fact! And chocolate cake. I bought more goodies but didn't have the room to eat them!! That's good news - it means my appetite, in spite of sort-of-normal eating for the last wee while, is a lot less than it used to be. In fact, reading that list of flavours above makes me feel sick right now, as I am just too full...
So, tomorrow sees me embark on shakes and soups again. No bars for the 1st week and no drink flavouring for 2 weeks. I have to say I am really looking forward to being free from the temptation of food again. It's just a bit too much of a minefield for me, especially at the moment with my ME being quite bad again.
I'm sure some of you think I'm nuts to be doing this when I'm not doing too well, energy-wise, but I fully expect to feel better within a week or so. Low carbing suits me and I'm looking forward to that lighter lean feeling that LL gave me. I just need to get through the first couple of days and into ketosis so that my appetite is suppressed. I really am looking forward to it.
I'm also really looking forward to not being so hot! Increased carb intake and the water retention caused by it has had the effect of me feeling hot again. I know the weather's a bit better at the moment, and I know I'm menopausal, but I keep breaking out in a sweat. Am so looking forward to not feeling like that any more!
I'll be weighing myself in the morning so I have a baseline. I know there'll be a few pounds difference from the last report but I know it's not much (it was only 2 lbs more this morning!).
Onwards and upwards. Here's hoping I manage being back on packs again!
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