Friday, 20 February 2009

Another 4 lbs bite the dust

Yep, that's a total of 22 lbs now. Just 1 lb over 1 1/2 stones. Amazing... I actually managed to pull my trousers down today without undoing the zip!! They were always a little big round the waist but I couldn't have done that a few weeks ago. While I know the quick weight loss is a bit scary, it's also really encouraging and gives me, at least, the impetus to keep going. It's slowing down now, as predicted, but I still feel an ongoing loss even though it's actually less.

Tuesday's session was really just more on Transactional Analysis and the different "ego states" and how they break down:
Critical Parent
Nurturing Parent
Adult (no breakdown?)
Adaptive Child
Rebellious Child (that's me!)
Free Child

It's all interesting stuff and easily identifiable. It's all about listening to those voices in your head, identifying them and choosing how you react. Oh and all the states are useful - you don't need to strive to be in your adult all the time, even the rebellious child ("Neh neh ne neh neh - I'm going to show them who can lose weight!") can be useful at times!

Some of our group had actually put on weight this week because they'd broken the diet and eaten some real food! It was a lesson for all of us and made me all the more determined to resist temptation. It's not always easy and, on Thursday night, I was very tired and really could have murdered some food - not anything in particular - just FOOD. I didn't have my bar to look forward to because I'd had to have it at lunchtime for convenience, and that made it a bit tougher. However a late evening chocolate shake made with hot peppermint tea was lovely!

My hunger is much much less but I can't say I'm never hungry... Pity!

I had my blood pressure taken this week - actually a week too soon, I got mixed up - and it was fine. But it always is, I've never had a problem with it.

Next week we get measured for the first time since starting on the diet. I'm looking forward to that - it'll be really interesting to see how I'm shrinking! I can see it in the mirror and keep meaning to take another photo to compare - our counsellor encouraged us to do so. And those trousers being easily pulled down(!) shows several inches have gone. Yippee!!

Oh oh oh - and next week a new food pack - PORRIDGE - will be available!! Hot brekkers (or supper)!

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