Thursday 2 July 2009

6 lbs lost!!

Clearly this is mainly water - and that last week's weight gain was mainly water. But it's still very encouraging. My own scales show just under 16 stone - I've not been 15 stone something since the 1980s!

I spoke to our locum counsellor tonight about my lack of funds and when she said, only slightly tongue in cheek, "I take it you've sold everything you can to raise money?", it suddenly dawned on me that I have a huge pile of large clothes that could be sold on eBay. I'll scout around and see what I've got in the house that could be sold and look out for car boot sales too.

I don't think it's realistic for me to do any more work, given my current energy levels and commitments, and the kind of work I can do without standing on my feet all day isn't that easy to find round here. I'm barely making ends meet as it is, so anything extra would simply make life a little bit easier. I'd need to earn a bit more of a substantial amount to pay for LL too... but I will try and see how I can raise some more funds to pay for it. (I've already added adverts to the blog in an attempt to earn something!)

And, in answer to my email, I've already received a very generous £135 to help me with the Lighter Life Development costs!!! A huge thank you to all of you who donated -

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